Object library for manufacturing, distribution and warehousing
Object library for healthcare designed to meet the specific needs of the healthcare industry: hospitals, clinics and laboratories.
Person Flow library for modeling all types of human processes
Suitable for modeling in all fields and industries
Discrete simulation and continuous processes (process industries)
Operators for handling, operations, start-up and repairs
Several types of shelving
Very powerful conveyor object
Process Flow module that offers an incredible level of control over operators, equipment and all elements of the model
AGV, overhead crane, robot
A-Star module for navigation
Known statistical distributions are pre-programmed
Find or build your own distributions with Experfit included
Random events like breakdowns (mtbf, mttr) or delays as well as working hours
Countless choice of statistics and performance measures
OptQuest Experimentation and Optimization Module
Import/export from/to MS Excel
Direct link with OBDC/SQL/Oracle/etc.
OPC UA/DA/Modbus emulation
Infinitely customizable 3D animation
- Compatible with 33 different 3D file formats (.wrl, .3ds, .skp, .stl, etc.)
Import .dwg or .dxf CAD drawings
Create your own objects and reuse them in other models
Tool for creating camera movements (flypath)
Video recording and screenshot tool
Company founded in 1993
Incredible support from the FlexSim team
Continuous development according to industry best practices
Visit www.flexsim.com for more information and to download your free version!
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